Defense of an Ancient.......Who might he be?

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Official start to Season 2 of DOTA Olympics

Due to various rebellious uprising such as the pending Hammer of Justice issued by Raymond, I have decided to drop the whole GPS system and revert back into the point format I've devised for Season 2 Olympics. It appears adopting the randomness philosophy which is renowned only by Folkers has only created chaos.

Anyways, I will now outline the complete rules for this upcoming season:

Season 2 "Stableford" Point System

The idea revolving this new point system is to value Teamwork more than Individual efforts. This system will minimize the effectiveness of Kill-shotting/hogging just to pad their stats and to give a better idea how the team in general faired in each game.

Instead of counting Wins/Losses for games, we will now separate into 4 categories: Complete Wins, Incomplete Win and Loss, Complete Loss.

Complete Win = +100 Points, Type "A"
Incomplete Win = +20 Points, Type "B"
Incomplete Loss = -20 Points, Type "C"
Complete Loss = -100 Points, Type "D"

The current definitions for a complete win/loss are still debatable. Hence if an outcome has been deemed questionable, we will decide upon it with a vote (which will be done in the Comments section of the blog).

Now, as for individual stats are concerned, the previous kill/death ratio concept will be thrown out the window. We will now distribute points based upon kills and deaths which will solely be based upon the total team kills/deaths differential of each game. Here are the point systems for these potential outcomes:

Games within 0 - 4 Kills/Deaths

Kills = + 4 Points for each Kill
Deaths = - 2 Points for each Death

Games within 5 - 9 Kills/Deaths

Kills = + 3 Points for each Kill
Deaths = -2 Points for each Death

Games within 10-15 Kills/Deaths

Kills = + 2 Points for each Kill
Deaths = - 2 Points for each Death

Games with a Differential of 16+ Kills/Deaths

Kills = + 1 Point for each Kill
Deaths = - 2 Points for each Death

This will certainly be a work in progress. There may be point revisions along the way to further balance the weight of these points. Points will ONLY be counted if a game consists of at least 4 of us playing. Anymore less will NOT be counted toward the Olympics.

If people still want to know about their total SAI (Strength, Agility, Intelligence) Kill/Death Breakdown, I'll be glad to continue keeping track of these stats.

Alright boys, let's get this show on the road. Happy Pwning!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A Tale of Two Mentalities

The first of many DOTA analyses in what would become a storied legacy of total dota-omination and absolute pwnage. Before I start, I have implemented a special system called the GPS (GMaster Points System). I'll be allocating points after every game analysis to players who have performed exceptionally clutch or anti-clutch based upon my opinion on its outcome. Remember, "no one can determine the GPS. Only it determines you!"

Game 1 Analysis

"Insert DOTA Song here"

The song tells it was absolute dominance right from the get go. Considering the other team only managed 1 kill the entire game, it was basically a no contest. Minus 5 points to the player who died on our team. Everyone else gets 10 points for good collective teamwork.

10 Bowen
10 Font
10 Mark
10 Holton
-5 John

Game 2 Analysis

Is the song still playing? Good since we totally pwned face in this one as well. No one stood out in particular, so I'll just give everyone 10 points for the win.

20 Bowen
20 Font
20 Mark
10 Ray
5 John

Game 3 Analysis

"Stop DOTA Song"

Where should we begin with this atrocity of a game? Even though we had a good start, everything started to fell apart when we stopped communicating. It also doesn't help by the fact that all of us were INT heroes. Minus 10 points to everyone.

10 Bowen
10 Font
10 Mark
0 Ray
-5 John

P.S - I'll compensate 5 points for John for the gem and wards he bought.

0 John

Mark started singing this annoying tune during the game. After that, it went all downhill from there....-5 points to Mark.

5 Mark

Raymond was anti-clutch with TerrorBlade, though I'll cut him some slack for not knowing the hero that well....-2 points Ray.

-2 Ray

This'll have to do for now. I'm getting rather tired. Good night fellow Ugly Mens.....

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Not Too Shabby....

This new design will have to do for now....looks pretty sleek I must say. Blog generator Activated.

Stay tuned for more updates in the near future. I promise