Defense of an Ancient.......Who might he be?

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

The Significance Surrounding "Emotion"

So I'm sitting in front of my computer, just finished practising some piano. As I'm typing this entry, I feel a sudden urge to sit back and reminisce about things. What things you ask? Well, judging from the title I think one can draw upon what I'm about to talk about.

Emotions makes us who we are. Some are hot-blooded and usually are energized or upbeat in whatever they do. Others are calm, cool and collective. Some feel insecure or inferior, because of lack of confidence and self-esteem. Others are arrogant, feeling superior over others and exhilarating a sense of cockiness/over-confidence. Whatever category you belong to....this is the basis of how you are judged.

That got me thinking, about how each and everyone of us are who they are. Do we all born with a uniquely set of personality? Or do we all start from the same foundation, and let our surroundings determine how we act and feel? Do not say that it's a mixture of both, for I personally believe that type of answer is not sufficient. Although my first reaction to this question was to say both, I've forced myself to contemplate further and pick one over the other.

Another way to put it is, are these characteristics set within the person before birth or during the early years of life? (when one is a baby). I don't have a definitive answer for the time being. But please feel free to discuss about this in the comments (your opinions are needed!).

Now Playing... - "Dearest" from Inu Yasha, need to memorize "My Immortal", "Hokage's Funeral", "Theme of Tears"

Current Mood - Bored, Lack of Direction, Feel like chatting to whoever is online in MSN