Defense of an Ancient.......Who might he be?

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Weird Weather

The weather has been acting really strange lately. It seems like the weather rotates every week. Last week was moderately cool but not severely cold. This week starts out with an all-day storm (rain, wind, snow, freezing rain). My whole body is confused on whether to adapt to the cold weather now or later.

Well, I got one more week of school left, then I'll begin my study marathon next week. I know I should get a head start, but the ol' brain ain't clicking yet. Hopefully it'll get working by this weekend.

I heard that MDHS is holding a reunion celebrating its 50th anniversary (at its present location). The reunion will be held on May 14th-16th / 2004. I'll only go if everyone else goes, don't want to be left out there to dry.

Monday, November 24, 2003

I'm Back!

That's right, 7 months lack of blog updates has finally come to an end. Let's hope I don't get lazy again this time around.

Anyways, I'm proud to say I am through with the mid-term madness. Exams are fast approaching and I got to start buckling down if I am to avoid a disastrous finish. For those who are still caught up with mid-terms, I wish you all the best.

Finally saw Matrix Revolutions since everyone else went and saw it without me. The ending to the trilogy was not bad, but the depth of the story could've been so much more if they connected the ideas better from scene to scene.

P.S - Changed the templates for a different look. This was the best compared to all the others, which were ugly and bland.